Catherine Armitage

Long Walk Home

I’m a Big Heart Club Member

I have pledged to choose love over hate to show people experiencing homelessness that they are not alone.

The Long Walk Home Poem

Another day, another scroll, another call to action,
How hard they try in all these posts, to gain a bit of traction!

A 28k walk, from Parramatta to the Cross?Β 
β€œWhy not?” I thought, it’s something I can do without much loss.

But homeless people have no choice except to walk this distanceΒ 
Each week in search of services providing mere subsistence.

So friends who’ve read this far, I hope you’ll heed my humble plea,Β 
To help the Wayside Chapel, click the link and sponsor me πŸ₯°

Support my 28km Long Walk Home to Help People in Crisis

Every week, a person sleeping rough on our streets has to walk 28km to find shelter or a place to sleep.

Please sponsor my challenge to support the most vulnerable people in our community.

Every step I take and every dollar you help us raise will deliver love, support and assistance to those in crisis. Thank you.

So far I helped deliver:


care packs


home-cooked meals


days crisis accommodation

…to people sleeping rough on our streets or in crisis.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mike Steketee

The poem did it. Good luck.


Jason Kelly

Good for you!


Matched Donation


Maureen Mccarthy

Good on you Cathy. x


Rhonda G

Great work Catherine


Andrew Erratt

Great initiative. Well done.


Adam Kelly


Matched Donation


Catherine Armitage


Sue Rutledge

Go girl ❀️


Matched Donation


Debra J

What a wonderful thing to do, Catherine. Wishing you well for every step on the way. Debra x


Vanna And Steve

Go Cathy! Love V&S xx


Judith Hamilton

Happy to support you and such a great cause.


David Armitage Snr

Good job Cath


Matched Donation


Timothy Hobill Cole



Leanne Wilkinson


Matched Donation


Judith Evans

Good job Cath. Walk tall.






Julie Robotham



Well done Catherine . A great cause


C. Walters

Walking for charity does NOT count as writerly procrastination.


Matched Donation


Tracey Goddard

Safe walking Cath


Matched Donation


Katharine Porter

A great cause, Cath! Walk well πŸ’•


Sheryle Bagwell

Good luck Catherine. Great cause!


Stephen & Alan

Good on you!!!


Mary-anne Purkiss

Hope it’s cool day for your walk πŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ˜…





Well done Cathy